“My definition of Lisa Pappas Perrodin: amazing, beautiful, resilient, compassionate, brave, determined, honest, courageous, intelligent, loving, but most of all… she has that rare and special gift from God that she shares with everyone. She is a blessing to all she encounters. I am thankful that she has shared her gift with us and that she came into our lives 32 years ago! We are truly blessed and refer to both her and Devin as our family. Love you both always!”
—CHERI DELAHOUSSAYE— Owner, Dela LLC and C & P Properties LLC
“This well written, heart-wrenching, transparent journey of an amazing autistic boy, and his deeply loving, self-sacrificing mother captured my heart. As a writer, educator, and life coach, I believe this book relates to every person who has been bombarded by life experiences… that tempt them to wonder, ‘Why Me?’ This book is not only riveting, but also, victorious.”
—FRANCES DURON— Co-Founder, Shreveport Community Church & Evangel Christian Academy
“I became acquainted with Lisa Perrodin many years ago, but I didn’t get to know her well until the last six or seven years, both of us attending Winner’s Circle Church at Louisiana Downs. We have been friends through many life-changing events … living with autism, death, and cancer to name a few. She is one of the most tenacious and dedicated ladies I have ever known, and tenacity is evident in all her pursuits, whether it is seeking a deeper and more complete relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ, learning to live with and through autism, or her latest conquest, writing a book. She tackled this book in true Lisa-fashion, with the Holy Spirit right by her side, guiding her through the entire process. I am so honored to call this lady one of my dearest and closest friends and to be Devin’s ‘Grandma Two’.”
—ANN M. KENNINGTON— Vice President, Ministry Team at Winner’s Circle Church
Walking with God through Autism is an amazing story of a young boy and his adventures through 12 years of life. It will make you laugh, pray, and cry at his innocence. It will teach you as it grips your heart. So, settle in as you begin because, if you’re like most people, you won’t put it down until the last page.”
—BEVERLY LEWIS— Community Angels of Hope
“This book will be a breath of fresh air to all mothers and fathers who are raising special-needs children and will give a new revelation to those who desire a closer walk with God. It is easy to read and will capture your attention as I could not lay it down until the last page. After reading it, I felt God’s presence as never before and knew… the Lord is my strength, refuge, and is always present in time of need. Thank you, Lisa, for reminding me how God puts miracles in my life every day!”
—JACKIE SWANK—  Mary Kay Independent National Sales Director Emeritus
“Dentistry for children with autism violates every condition associated with the disorder: strangers, close confinement, new surroundings, different loud noises, things in one’s mouth that can create startling sounds and vibrations, etc. I have observed Devin evolve from terrified and obstinate, into a totally cooperative young person. He now looks for-ward to our visits for hygiene and routine maintenance. This behavioral change goes beyond good… it is from God. In this book, you will see how prayer is put into action. It reveals the unexplained, not in our way, but in God’s Way… for His glory. This is a ‘must read’ for all!”
—DR. ERIC J. LEBLANC—  Pediatric Dentist with One-Year Fellowship at Johns Hopkins in Dentistry for Children with Special Needs
“From the very first chapter, I could not put this book down, nor could I stop thinking about it. Walking with God through Autism will definitely stay in your heart. Lisa is a very talented writer, and I believe that there will be many more life stories from her to come.”
—SUSAN BRANDON ALLEN— Director of Administrative Services
“I’ve known the Perrodin family for a couple of decades. Through them, I have witnessed a change that can only be described as supernatural. In a career as competitive as horseracing, we still consider ourselves as family… sharing victories and heartaches as well. It has been an inspiration to watch such courage in their walk through life with Christ.”
—SHANE J. SELLERS— Former National Thoroughbred Jockey
“I have known Lisa Pappas Perrodin for many years. I was extremely honored when she asked me to review this book. Now, after reading it, I am left almost speechless by how lovingly she wrote about her ‘walk through the fire’ of autism with God. Her son, Devin, was a very young boy when I first met this family. My connection with them began when her husband, E.J. Perrodin, raced at The Fairgrounds Racetrack in New Orleans. I got to be their chaplain here at this track. Friend, I know that, like me, when you pick up this book and begin reading, it will be hard to put down until you read through the final chapter. I can’t wait for it to be available to all as it is truly life changing.”
—CHAPLAIN WAVERLY PARSONS—Fairgrounds Racetrack, New Orleans, Louisiana & Past President, The Racetrack Chaplaincy of America